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    1. Santander X Explorer



    3 minutes of reading

    New TalkX with Astrid Scholz from Armillaria

    1. Santander X Explorer

    Her name —together with Zebras Unite— will ring a bell, but in this new TalkX with Astrid Scholz, the co-founder of this community will talk about much more. Don’t miss it!

    Astrid Scholz is back in our TalkX: she was the first of the Zebras Unite co-founders to come to Explorer. After that, we were joined by Mara Zepeda and Aniyia Williams, also co-founders of this community; now her partner is back to inspire us.

    Where? On Explorer’s Twitch channel.

    When? On September 29th, at 8 p.m. (Spanish time. Click here to find out the time in your country).

    As opposed to the unicorn startups (valued at millions and millions of dollars), zebra startups are committed to building businesses in a more sustainable, collaborative, ethical, and inclusive way. This is the origin of a global community of investors, founders, and allies that keeps growing every day, for which Astrid, together with Mara, Aniyia, and Jennifer Brandel, is responsible. 

    This approach to founding companies is a hallmark of Astrid’s entire career: that’s how she established Armillaria (previously know as Sphaera), the system’s design and technology firm she co-manages, whose goal is to establish a democratic, global infrastructure for mobilising data, innovation, and capital to solve many of today’s problems.

    Previously, Astrid was President of Ecotrust, a conservation-based development organisation with $150 million in assets under management. She is also a senior consultant with Uncompromise, a global strategy consultancy, and founding director and treasurer of the XXcelerate Fund. This programme, which offers revolving fund loans and mentoring, was created by and for women and is run in Oregon, USA, her home region.

    Want to know more about this serial entrepreneur specialised in Social Innovation and Systems Change (and graduated from St. Andrews, Bristol, and Berkeley)? Don’t miss Astrid Scholz’s TalkX!


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