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    1. Santander X Explorer



    2 minutes of reading

    There is an exclusive community of entrepreneurs and you can be part of it

    1. Santander X Explorer

    Whether you’ve been wanting to be part of Santander X 100 for a while or if it’s the first time you’ve heard this name, you should know that this is the place to be for any entrepreneur: an exclusive global community for the best Santander X startups and scaleups. And you can be there too.

    Its goal is to support the most innovative and high-potential companies that go through Santander X. This support focuses on areas such as growth (including economic growth) or improving productivity, promoting networking among community members, and connecting companies with the resources they need to thrive and have a positive impact on society. Thus, you gain access to:

    • Training: specialized programs, talks, and mentoring.
    • Networking: with startups, scaleups, and community partners.
    • Customers: potential clients and Fintech Station from Banco Santander.
    • Talent: talent pool and summer internships.
    • Capital: at Demo Days or specialized Roadshows.
    • Valuable resources: university innovation and other valuable resources.

      What do you have to do to enjoy these advantages and many others? Sign up for the Santander X Connects | Way to Santander X 100 call. Check if the deadline for submitting the application is open, read the guidelines, and register to, if chosen, receive the personalized support and customized monitoring you’re looking for.

    Join a global community of entrepreneurs

    With Explorer, you will become an active part of the change by initiating projects that will boost your financial freedom.

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