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    1. Santander X Explorer



    3 minutes of reading

    Looknor, the tool that helps you make decisions about your professional future

    1. Santander X Explorer

    One more of the 20 selected projects is launching its crowdfunding campaign with the support of Santander X Explorer! Get to know Looknor (University of the North Santo Tomás de Aquino, Argentina), a gamification tool that identifies skills, competencies, and personal interests to facilitate decision-making about one’s professional future. It uses a combination of artificial intelligence, data analysis and psychological tests to provide a unique experience.\

    Career changes, regretting the chosen specialty, dropping out of university… Young people face the challenge of choosing an education that fits their interests and abilities; this has repercussions on their mental health, generating uncertainty or anxiety, not to mention the potential lack of qualified professionals in key areas for economic and technological development.

    “The choice of career should be addressed with the utmost attention and precision possible, as it can have a significant impact on long-term professional and personal development,” explain the creators of Looknor. This proposal stands out for its “innovative approach and expert team, as well as a commitment to positive social impact […]. We want people to go through the process of self-discovery and career choice in a fun way, while also ensuring the inclusion of people with disabilities,” they add.

    Do you want to help in the promotion and visibility of this project? Check out their campaign and find out how you can help Looknor raise the resources it needs.

    If you also want the opportunity to launch your own crowdfunding campaign and access a series of essential tools to validate whether your idea can become a profitable project, pre-register for Santander X Explorer.


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